Solder Fume Extractor
When soldering, the solder used in the operation often has a flux core that helps remove oxide films on the surface of the metals being soldered. This flux, however, boils off into toxic fumes during the process of soldering, as well as some metal vapors. To be safe, soldering should be done in a well-ventilated area. Even in a well-ventilated area, however, a fume extractor, like the one seen in the photo, should be used to prevent the inhalation of toxic fumes. My fume extractor works by having a tube above the soldering area that extends out the window. There are two fans in the tube, one near the user (seen in the photo) and one near the window. Both fans work together to force the fumes into the tube and out the window.
Nolan Whitehead
Essay Title: Solder Fume Extractor
Category: Contrived
Photo Number: 10008
School: Pickerington High School North
Teacher Name: Douglas Forrest